1. ACSWR::Disease
    Disease Outbreak Study
  2. ACSWR::Mucociliary
    Mucociliary Clearance
  3. ACSWR::SP
    Understanding Strength of Paper with a Three Factorial Experiment
  4. ACSWR::abrasion_index
    Abrasion Index for the Tire Tread
  5. ACSWR::adjectives
    A Dataset for Factor Analysis
  6. ACSWR::atombomb
    Japanese atomic bomb survivors
  7. ACSWR::battery
    Two Factorial Experiment for Battery Data
  8. ACSWR::bottling
    A Three Factorial Experiment for Bottling Data
  9. ACSWR::bs
    Simulated Sample from Binomial Distribution
  10. ACSWR::bs1
    British Doctors Smoking and Coronary Heart Disease
  11. ACSWR::caesareans
    The Cesarean Cases
  12. ACSWR::calcium
    The Calcium in Soil
  13. ACSWR::cardata
    Car Data
  14. ACSWR::chdage
    Coronary Heart Disease
  15. ACSWR::chemicaldata
    Chemical Reaction Experiment
  16. ACSWR::chest
    The Militiamen's Chest Dataset
  17. ACSWR::cloud
    The Cloud Seeding Data
  18. ACSWR::cork
    The Cork Dataset
  19. ACSWR::cs
    Random Samples from Cauchy Distribution
  20. ACSWR::depression
    The Hamilton Depression Scale Factor
  21. ACSWR::flight
    Injuries in Airflights
  22. ACSWR::girder
    Strength Data Set of a Girder Experiment
  23. ACSWR::hardness
    Hardness and a Block Experiment
  24. ACSWR::hearing
    Hearing Loss Data
  25. ACSWR::hw
    Height-Weight Covariance Study
  26. ACSWR::insurance
    Insurance Claims Data
  27. ACSWR::intensity
    Blocking for Intensity Data Set
  28. ACSWR::life
    Life Expectancies
  29. ACSWR::lowbwt
    The Low-Birth Weight Problem
  30. ACSWR::memory
    Memory Recall Times
  31. ACSWR::mfp
    Psychological Tests for Males and Females
  32. ACSWR::nerve
    The Nerve Data
  33. ACSWR::ns
    Simulated Sample from Normal Distribution
  34. ACSWR::olson
    The Olson Heart Lung Dataset
  35. ACSWR::ps
    Simulated Sample from Poisson Distribution
  36. ACSWR::pw
    The Linguistic Probe Word Analysis
  37. ACSWR::reaction
    Chemical Reaction Experiment
  38. ACSWR::rocket
    Rocket Propellant
  39. ACSWR::rocket_Graeco
    Rocket Propellant Example Extended
  40. ACSWR::rootstock
    Apple of Different Rootstock
  41. ACSWR::sample
    Simulated Dataset
  42. ACSWR::sheishu
    The Seishu Wine Study
  43. ACSWR::shelf_stock
    The Shelf-Stocking Data
  44. ACSWR::somesamples
    Scatter Plots for Understanding Correlations
  45. ACSWR::stiff
    The Board Stiffness Dataset
  46. ACSWR::swiss
    Forged Swiss Bank Notes
  47. ACSWR::tc
    The Toluca Company Labour Hours against Lot Size
  48. ACSWR::tensile
    The Tensile Strength Experiment
  49. ACSWR::testtpm
    A transition probability matrix
  50. ACSWR::testtpm2
    A matrix of transition probability matrix, second example
  51. ACSWR::testtpm3
    A matrix of transition probability matrix, third example
  52. ACSWR::usc
    US Crime Data
  53. ACSWR::viscos
    The Box-Cox Transformation for Viscosity Dataset
  54. ACSWR::waterquality
    Testing for Physico-chemical Properties of Water in 4 Cities
  55. ACSWR::x_bimodal
    Understanding kernel smoothing through a simulated dataset
  56. ACSWR::yb
    Youden and Beale's Data on Lesions of Half-Leaves of Tobacco Plant
  57. gpk::AIDS
    AIDS Data Set
  58. gpk::AirPollution
    Air Pollution Data
  59. gpk::AizawlCancer
    Sex-wise differences in cancer types
  60. gpk::Allergy
    Allergy Data Set
  61. gpk::Asthma1
    Testing Effect of Curcuma Longa
  62. gpk::Asthma2
    Testing effect of treatment on milk induced Eosinophilia in mice
  63. gpk::Asthma3
    Effect of curcuma longa on de-granulation of mast cells in mice
  64. gpk::Asthma4
    Testing effect of Curcuma longa on paw inflammation in rats
  65. gpk::BANK
    Bank Churn data set
  66. gpk::BPSYS
    Two drug comparison
  67. gpk::Bacteria
    A multi-factorial experiment on the bacteria growth in the packaged foods
  68. gpk::BambooGrowth
    Data set relating growth of bamboo to geographic location
  69. gpk::Bamboolife
    Preparing a life table for the Bamboo plant
  70. gpk::Bananabats
    The Bat Census data
  71. gpk::Barleyheight
    Comparison of genotypes and checking time trend
  72. gpk::BatGroup
    Fitting distributions to the bat group size data
  73. gpk::Batcapture
    Understanding seasonality and species composition of bat population
  74. gpk::Batrecapture
    Fitting a model to bat recapture data
  75. gpk::Biodegradation
    Biodegradation of Dimethoate in Industrial Effluents by Brevundimonas species
  76. gpk::BirthDeath
    Changes in Human birth and death rates in India over the 20th century
  77. gpk::Butterflies
    Study of distribution of butterfly species count among 5 groups and in different localities in India
  78. gpk::COWSDATA
    Crossbreeding of Cows
  79. gpk::Chitalparasite
    Understanding the correlation of occurrence of a parasite
  80. gpk::Cosmetic1
    Testing efficacy of a cosmetic product
  81. gpk::Crack
    Healing the heel
  82. gpk::Crime
    Relation between crime and intelligence
  83. gpk::DroughtStress
    Modeling Genotypic variation in photosynthetic competence of Sorghum bicolor
  84. gpk::Dunglife
    Dung decay data
  85. gpk::Earthquake
    Modeling earthquake aftershocks
  86. gpk::EarthwormSeason
    Population dynamics of earthworms
  87. gpk::Earthwormbiomass
    Earthworms in cultivated soils
  88. gpk::Euphorbiaceae
    Relationship between tree height and girth of Euphorbiaceae
  89. gpk::Extruder
    Understanding effect of manufacturing conditions on product characteristics
  90. gpk::FAMILY
    Understand relationship between height of parents and child
  91. gpk::Fairness
    Comparison of formulations and sample size determination of a fairness product
  92. gpk::FilariasisSex
    Sex related prevalence in human filariasis
  93. gpk::Filariasisage
    Infection among Filariasis
  94. gpk::Filariasistype
    Filariasis and different parasites causing it
  95. gpk::Fish
    Fish species interaction
  96. gpk::Frog_survival
    Fitting Ricker curve to frog survival data
  97. gpk::Frogfood
    Study of growth and food preference over age in frogs
  98. gpk::Frogmating
    Relation between body size and number of mates for the frogs
  99. gpk::GDS
    Modeling Trends in Gross Domestic Savings
  100. gpk::Geometricbirds
    Rank abundance distribution of bird species
  101. gpk::Heart
    Comparison of Test drug with Placebo for Heart Attack
  102. gpk::Highjump
    Guessing the gold medal score for 2004 Olympics
  103. gpk::IMR
    Changes in Infant mortality over last century across countries
  104. gpk::IOCSharePrice
    Modeling share price series of IOC
  105. gpk::IslandSpArea
    Species area relationship
  106. gpk::Ivoryweight
    Trends in illegal ivory trade
  107. gpk::Lognormalbirds
    Species abundance distribution
  108. gpk::Logseriesbirds
    Species abundance distribution
  109. gpk::Loops
    Loops of the finger prints
  110. gpk::Lung
    Smoking and Lung capacity study
  111. gpk::Mammals
    Birth weight and brain size of mammals
  112. gpk::Mice
    Protein intake and lifespan of mice
  113. gpk::Microgrow
    Fit sigmoidal model to bacterial growth
  114. gpk::Mimosaceae
    Relationship between tree height and girth
  115. gpk::OralCancer
    Comparison of two chemotherapy treatments for oral cancer
  116. gpk::Plaque
    Studying effect of toothpaste on plaque accumulation
  117. gpk::Plastic
    Seasonality in sales of plastic granules
  118. gpk::Poliocases
    The number of polio cases
  119. gpk::Preserve
    Predicting fungal growth
  120. gpk::Production
    Quality control for examining consistency in weight
  121. gpk::Pureforsure
    Detection of adulteration
  122. gpk::Rabbit
    Relating Foot length to Body mass
  123. gpk::Rat
    Study of rat burrow architecture
  124. gpk::RiceWheat
    Modeling Rice and Wheat production
  125. gpk::Sheeplife
    Fitting probability distribution to life data of Sheeps
  126. gpk::SholapurWeather
    Has the weather in Sholapur changed over 3 decades?
  127. gpk::Sorghumheight
    Modeling sorghum plant growth
  128. gpk::SpaccHerb
    Species accumulation curve
  129. gpk::SpaccShrubs
    Species accumulation curve
  130. gpk::Spaceshuttle
    Modeling Space shuttle O-ring failure data
  131. gpk::Spareabirds
    Species area curve
  132. gpk::StemDensity
    Vegetation types and tree density
  133. gpk::TeethNormal
    Modeling indicators of dental health
  134. gpk::Tiger7
    Identification of individual tigers from pugmarks
  135. gpk::TigerIdentity
    Tiger census using scat samples
  136. gpk::Timber
    Genetic and environmental components of tree characteristics
  137. gpk::Valvefailure
    Valve characteristics and numbers of failures in a nuclear reactor
  138. gpk::Waterquality
    Water quality analysis using clustering
  139. gpk::atombomb
    Cancer deaths of atomic bomb survivors
  140. gpk::birdextinct
    Bird extinct at a national park
  141. gpk::cloudseed
    Cloud Seeding
  142. gpk::elephant
    Age and mating success for Elephants
  143. gpk::fishtoxin
    Toxicity effect on fish
  144. gpk::hundredmrun
    Guessing the gold medal score for 2004 Olympics
  145. gpk::magazine
    Time trends in authorship distribution
  146. gpk::mammalsize
    Correlates of brain size for the mammals
  147. gpk::moth
    Natural selection
  148. gpk::salamander
    Habitat preference of salamander
  149. gpk::widowbird
    Mate selection by females
  150. RSADBE::Bug_Metrics_Software
    Bug Metrics Data
  151. RSADBE::CART_Dummy
    A cooked-data set for illustration of the partitions of CART concept
  152. RSADBE::CT
    The Cow Temperature Data
  153. RSADBE::DCD
    Understanding Drain Current Vs Ground-to-Source Voltage
  154. RSADBE::GC
    German Credit Screening Data
  155. RSADBE::Gasoline
    Car Mileage Dataset
  156. RSADBE::IO_Time
    CPU Time and IO Processes Relationship
  157. RSADBE::MDR
    Male Death Rates
  158. RSADBE::OF
    Understanding the Overfitting Problem
  159. RSADBE::PW_Illus
    A data set for illustrating "Piecewise Linear Regression Model"
  160. RSADBE::SCV
    An illustrative data set where the "Response" depends on four variables A-D and a fifth categorical variable
  161. RSADBE::SCV_Modified
    SCV data set by category "Modified"
  162. RSADBE::SCV_Usual
    SCV data set with caterogy "Usual"
  163. RSADBE::SPD
    The supervisor performance data
  164. RSADBE::SQ
    Sample Questionnaire Data
  165. RSADBE::Samplez
    A hypothetical data set
  166. RSADBE::Severity_Counts
    Severity counts for the JDT software
  167. RSADBE::TheWALL
    Test centuries of Rahul Dravid
  168. RSADBE::VD
    Voltage Drop Dataset
  169. RSADBE::employ
    A data set used for understanding the very basic steps in R
  170. RSADBE::galton
    The famous Galton data set
  171. RSADBE::lowbwt
    Low Birth Weight
  172. RSADBE::octane
    Octane Rating Data set
  173. RSADBE::resistivity
    Resistivity of wires
  174. RSADBE::sat
    SAT-M marks and its impact on the final exams of a course
  175. RSADBE::simpledata
    A simulated data set for illustrating the ROC concept