- ACSWR::DiseaseDisease Outbreak Study
- ACSWR::MucociliaryMucociliary Clearance
- ACSWR::SPUnderstanding Strength of Paper with a Three Factorial Experiment
- ACSWR::abrasion_indexAbrasion Index for the Tire Tread
- ACSWR::adjectivesA Dataset for Factor Analysis
- ACSWR::atombombJapanese atomic bomb survivors
- ACSWR::batteryTwo Factorial Experiment for Battery Data
- ACSWR::bottlingA Three Factorial Experiment for Bottling Data
- ACSWR::bsSimulated Sample from Binomial Distribution
- ACSWR::bs1British Doctors Smoking and Coronary Heart Disease
- ACSWR::caesareansThe Cesarean Cases
- ACSWR::calciumThe Calcium in Soil
- ACSWR::cardataCar Data
- ACSWR::chdageCoronary Heart Disease
- ACSWR::chemicaldataChemical Reaction Experiment
- ACSWR::chestThe Militiamen's Chest Dataset
- ACSWR::cloudThe Cloud Seeding Data
- ACSWR::corkThe Cork Dataset
- ACSWR::csRandom Samples from Cauchy Distribution
- ACSWR::depressionThe Hamilton Depression Scale Factor
- ACSWR::flightInjuries in Airflights
- ACSWR::girderStrength Data Set of a Girder Experiment
- ACSWR::hardnessHardness and a Block Experiment
- ACSWR::hearingHearing Loss Data
- ACSWR::hwHeight-Weight Covariance Study
- ACSWR::insuranceInsurance Claims Data
- ACSWR::intensityBlocking for Intensity Data Set
- ACSWR::lifeLife Expectancies
- ACSWR::lowbwtThe Low-Birth Weight Problem
- ACSWR::memoryMemory Recall Times
- ACSWR::mfpPsychological Tests for Males and Females
- ACSWR::nerveThe Nerve Data
- ACSWR::nsSimulated Sample from Normal Distribution
- ACSWR::olsonThe Olson Heart Lung Dataset
- ACSWR::psSimulated Sample from Poisson Distribution
- ACSWR::pwThe Linguistic Probe Word Analysis
- ACSWR::reactionChemical Reaction Experiment
- ACSWR::rocketRocket Propellant
- ACSWR::rocket_GraecoRocket Propellant Example Extended
- ACSWR::rootstockApple of Different Rootstock
- ACSWR::sampleSimulated Dataset
- ACSWR::sheishuThe Seishu Wine Study
- ACSWR::shelf_stockThe Shelf-Stocking Data
- ACSWR::somesamplesScatter Plots for Understanding Correlations
- ACSWR::stiffThe Board Stiffness Dataset
- ACSWR::swissForged Swiss Bank Notes
- ACSWR::tcThe Toluca Company Labour Hours against Lot Size
- ACSWR::tensileThe Tensile Strength Experiment
- ACSWR::testtpmA transition probability matrix
- ACSWR::testtpm2A matrix of transition probability matrix, second example
- ACSWR::testtpm3A matrix of transition probability matrix, third example
- ACSWR::uscUS Crime Data
- ACSWR::viscosThe Box-Cox Transformation for Viscosity Dataset
- ACSWR::waterqualityTesting for Physico-chemical Properties of Water in 4 Cities
- ACSWR::x_bimodalUnderstanding kernel smoothing through a simulated dataset
- ACSWR::ybYouden and Beale's Data on Lesions of Half-Leaves of Tobacco Plant
- gpk::AIDSAIDS Data Set
- gpk::AirPollutionAir Pollution Data
- gpk::AizawlCancerSex-wise differences in cancer types
- gpk::AllergyAllergy Data Set
- gpk::Asthma1Testing Effect of Curcuma Longa
- gpk::Asthma2Testing effect of treatment on milk induced Eosinophilia in mice
- gpk::Asthma3Effect of curcuma longa on de-granulation of mast cells in mice
- gpk::Asthma4Testing effect of Curcuma longa on paw inflammation in rats
- gpk::BANKBank Churn data set
- gpk::BPSYSTwo drug comparison
- gpk::BacteriaA multi-factorial experiment on the bacteria growth in the packaged foods
- gpk::BambooGrowthData set relating growth of bamboo to geographic location
- gpk::BamboolifePreparing a life table for the Bamboo plant
- gpk::BananabatsThe Bat Census data
- gpk::BarleyheightComparison of genotypes and checking time trend
- gpk::BatGroupFitting distributions to the bat group size data
- gpk::BatcaptureUnderstanding seasonality and species composition of bat population
- gpk::BatrecaptureFitting a model to bat recapture data
- gpk::BiodegradationBiodegradation of Dimethoate in Industrial Effluents by Brevundimonas species
- gpk::BirthDeathChanges in Human birth and death rates in India over the 20th century
- gpk::ButterfliesStudy of distribution of butterfly species count among 5 groups and in different localities in India
- gpk::COWSDATACrossbreeding of Cows
- gpk::ChitalparasiteUnderstanding the correlation of occurrence of a parasite
- gpk::Cosmetic1Testing efficacy of a cosmetic product
- gpk::CrackHealing the heel
- gpk::CrimeRelation between crime and intelligence
- gpk::DroughtStressModeling Genotypic variation in photosynthetic competence of Sorghum bicolor
- gpk::DunglifeDung decay data
- gpk::EarthquakeModeling earthquake aftershocks
- gpk::EarthwormSeasonPopulation dynamics of earthworms
- gpk::EarthwormbiomassEarthworms in cultivated soils
- gpk::EuphorbiaceaeRelationship between tree height and girth of Euphorbiaceae
- gpk::ExtruderUnderstanding effect of manufacturing conditions on product characteristics
- gpk::FAMILYUnderstand relationship between height of parents and child
- gpk::FairnessComparison of formulations and sample size determination of a fairness product
- gpk::FilariasisSexSex related prevalence in human filariasis
- gpk::FilariasisageInfection among Filariasis
- gpk::FilariasistypeFilariasis and different parasites causing it
- gpk::FishFish species interaction
- gpk::Frog_survivalFitting Ricker curve to frog survival data
- gpk::FrogfoodStudy of growth and food preference over age in frogs
- gpk::FrogmatingRelation between body size and number of mates for the frogs
- gpk::GDSModeling Trends in Gross Domestic Savings
- gpk::GeometricbirdsRank abundance distribution of bird species
- gpk::HeartComparison of Test drug with Placebo for Heart Attack
- gpk::HighjumpGuessing the gold medal score for 2004 Olympics
- gpk::IMRChanges in Infant mortality over last century across countries
- gpk::IOCSharePriceModeling share price series of IOC
- gpk::IslandSpAreaSpecies area relationship
- gpk::IvoryweightTrends in illegal ivory trade
- gpk::LognormalbirdsSpecies abundance distribution
- gpk::LogseriesbirdsSpecies abundance distribution
- gpk::LoopsLoops of the finger prints
- gpk::LungSmoking and Lung capacity study
- gpk::MammalsBirth weight and brain size of mammals
- gpk::MiceProtein intake and lifespan of mice
- gpk::MicrogrowFit sigmoidal model to bacterial growth
- gpk::MimosaceaeRelationship between tree height and girth
- gpk::OralCancerComparison of two chemotherapy treatments for oral cancer
- gpk::PlaqueStudying effect of toothpaste on plaque accumulation
- gpk::PlasticSeasonality in sales of plastic granules
- gpk::PoliocasesThe number of polio cases
- gpk::PreservePredicting fungal growth
- gpk::ProductionQuality control for examining consistency in weight
- gpk::PureforsureDetection of adulteration
- gpk::RabbitRelating Foot length to Body mass
- gpk::RatStudy of rat burrow architecture
- gpk::RiceWheatModeling Rice and Wheat production
- gpk::SheeplifeFitting probability distribution to life data of Sheeps
- gpk::SholapurWeatherHas the weather in Sholapur changed over 3 decades?
- gpk::SorghumheightModeling sorghum plant growth
- gpk::SpaccHerbSpecies accumulation curve
- gpk::SpaccShrubsSpecies accumulation curve
- gpk::SpaceshuttleModeling Space shuttle O-ring failure data
- gpk::SpareabirdsSpecies area curve
- gpk::StemDensityVegetation types and tree density
- gpk::TeethNormalModeling indicators of dental health
- gpk::Tiger7Identification of individual tigers from pugmarks
- gpk::TigerIdentityTiger census using scat samples
- gpk::TimberGenetic and environmental components of tree characteristics
- gpk::ValvefailureValve characteristics and numbers of failures in a nuclear reactor
- gpk::WaterqualityWater quality analysis using clustering
- gpk::atombombCancer deaths of atomic bomb survivors
- gpk::birdextinctBird extinct at a national park
- gpk::cloudseedCloud Seeding
- gpk::elephantAge and mating success for Elephants
- gpk::fishtoxinToxicity effect on fish
- gpk::hundredmrunGuessing the gold medal score for 2004 Olympics
- gpk::magazineTime trends in authorship distribution
- gpk::mammalsizeCorrelates of brain size for the mammals
- gpk::mothNatural selection
- gpk::salamanderHabitat preference of salamander
- gpk::widowbirdMate selection by females
- RSADBE::Bug_Metrics_SoftwareBug Metrics Data
- RSADBE::CART_DummyA cooked-data set for illustration of the partitions of CART concept
- RSADBE::CTThe Cow Temperature Data
- RSADBE::DCDUnderstanding Drain Current Vs Ground-to-Source Voltage
- RSADBE::GCGerman Credit Screening Data
- RSADBE::GasolineCar Mileage Dataset
- RSADBE::IO_TimeCPU Time and IO Processes Relationship
- RSADBE::MDRMale Death Rates
- RSADBE::OFUnderstanding the Overfitting Problem
- RSADBE::PW_IllusA data set for illustrating "Piecewise Linear Regression Model"
- RSADBE::SCVAn illustrative data set where the "Response" depends on four variables A-D and a fifth categorical variable
- RSADBE::SCV_ModifiedSCV data set by category "Modified"
- RSADBE::SCV_UsualSCV data set with caterogy "Usual"
- RSADBE::SPDThe supervisor performance data
- RSADBE::SQSample Questionnaire Data
- RSADBE::SamplezA hypothetical data set
- RSADBE::Severity_CountsSeverity counts for the JDT software
- RSADBE::TheWALLTest centuries of Rahul Dravid
- RSADBE::VDVoltage Drop Dataset
- RSADBE::employA data set used for understanding the very basic steps in R
- RSADBE::galtonThe famous Galton data set
- RSADBE::lowbwtLow Birth Weight
- RSADBE::octaneOctane Rating Data set
- RSADBE::resistivityResistivity of wires
- RSADBE::satSAT-M marks and its impact on the final exams of a course
- RSADBE::simpledataA simulated data set for illustrating the ROC concept